New biodegradable line: Bio-Masterbatch.
9 May, 2023Plastics have made possible the current life as we know it, however, the incorrect final disposal and its difficult...Don't know what Life Cycle Analysis is? Read on, here we tell you!
15 September, 2022Law 2232 of 2022 on single-use plastics has, among its exceptions, the use of traditional plastics...Ley No.2232 de 2022 in a nutshell.
4 August, 2022On July 8, 2022, the new law was published in the Official News of Colombia, which seeks...Environmental sustainability: the new goal of industries.
7 February, 2022The global climate emergency we are currently experiencing, which is becoming more and more urgent, has led us to make a...How does the biodegradation of a compostable plastic occur?
31 January, 2022The process of biodegradation is a biochemical conversion of organic matter into different compounds, carried out in a biological way....Bioplastic, biodegradable, compostable... it all sounds the same? Know the differences!
16 July, 2021The term bioplastics or biobased means that the raw material from which the product is made comes from renewable sources...Tailor-made colors in powder blends.
3 February, 2020Ingecolor powder. In Colarquim we also develop custom colors in powder presentation for rotomolding application, compounds of...Two-way evolution: Colarquim & the plastics industry.
27 January, 2020Until a few years ago, the plastics industry was uniform. Most of the market requirements were concentrated on...